Casino Dirty Tricks that will keep high rollers playing

It’s no secret that high rollers are essential for every casino, even those who operate online. Gambling companies want to do everything possible to keep these people entertained. Consequently, they often have to use dirty tricks that some of you might not be familiar with.

It’s worth mentioning that not all casinos use these tricks. Some do not have such tactics, meaning they have more problems than others when attracting new clients and keeping the existing ones happy.

But what tricks are we talking about? Keep reading to find out, and you will know what to watch when you start playing.

Adding Extra Oxygen

It might be hard to believe, but land-based casinos go to great lengths to keep people entertained and hooked. One of the things that will probably shock you is that some operators provide additional oxygen.

There are many reasons for it, one of which is that more oxygen keeps us awake and makes us feel better. In other words, the extra oxygen helps us stay refreshed and keep playing.

Aside from regular oxygen, many people reported that some operators go one step further and even add different pheromones. The bad news is that it is hard to detect these kinds of things, especially once you start playing. That’s why casino high rollers must be extra careful when choosing which operator to use.

Additional Food and Drinks

Casino high rollers are used to receiving special treatment because they know that they are important. Operators do many things to make these people happy and one of them is to offer food and drinks. To be fair, these options are also available to regular clients, but the quality of what they get is not as impressive as the one for high rollers.

The big reason why casinos offer these things is because they want people to keep playing no matter what. Those who are hungry will eventually have to leave to get something to eat, whereas people who are sober may decide that enough is enough. Once the operator starts offering food and drinks, however, these two risks are reduced, meaning uses can focus on gambling.

The fact that people get something for free from the casino makes them even more interested in it. However, gamblers pay for this good 20 times over, if not more, depending on the company.

No Clocks to Keep Track of the Time

Have you noticed that none of the top-tier casinos have any time indicators? Some of you think that they have forgotten about it, but the reality is that most operators do not want to have such things on purpose.

The fact that players can’t keep track of how much time they’ve spent means one thing – high rollers end up playing a lot more than they wanted.

The absence of a time-keeping device allows gamblers to focus on playing and ignore everything else in their lives. Of course, all of them have smartphones, but some players forget to check them when they start playing.

Special Types of Music

Not all big land-based gambling operators focus on music to attract and keep players happy. However, this is a very common approach that many companies decide to use because they focus on hypnotizing music. This is especially true in the VIP lobbies, where high rollers get together to play.

The idea behind using such music is to keep people calm and happy. By doing this, users will be more relaxed and will be more willing to keep playing instead of going home.

You have to remember that music works really well in conjunction with all of the other tricks mentioned so far. This includes food, the extra oxygen, and more.

Special Types of Layouts

There are many differences between some of the top online casinos in how they operate their business. However, there are also many options that are the same, one of which is the casino’s layout.

If you look inside a top-tier casino, you will see that most gambling halls use a maze-like design. The idea behind this is simple – people who want to leave the casino have to go through several other tables before that, meaning they can decide to stay a little bit longer and spend even more money.

Users with a strong will are not affected by this, but many casino cheetahs make the mistake of playing just a few extra rounds. Needless to say, those rounds can cost them a lot of money.

Stimulating Lights

Another aspect that you will find in every single big casino is all kinds of lights. Online casinos try to mimic those things by offering special animations and pop-ups, but the original idea comes from the big land-based operators.

High rollers who visit such places will find all sorts of stimulating lights whose goal is to make people feel this place is special. Some of you are probably wondering if this actually works, but most people get attracted by bright lights and special music because these things make them believe that the given place is different.

Speaking of lights and sounds, we must point out that all slots have those things. Every single slot machine is designed to offer such things because it is proven that they impact people and allow them to play more.

Special Carpets

When you enter a casino, you will most likely not focus on the carpets. However, a quick look at them reveals that these carpets are more special than most people think.

Depending on the operator, it is possible to find carpets that can have a “psychedelic” effect. The goal behind them is to be “ugly” and “different” so that people can look at them and not feel relaxed or relieved.

Some people believe these carpets are designed like that so that they can hide different strains of drinks and food. This is probably true, but their goal is to provoke people and keep them awake so they can play more.


The information here covers just some of the things that casinos do to keep their high rollers engaged and prevent them from stopping. It is true that some things do not seem that important, but the truth it is that everything works together. In other words, all of the options mentioned here combined allow casinos to earn a lot more money in the longrun.

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